Gertrude is a Weirdo and Other Things I Think

 Now I know I keep psychoanalyzing every character ever made in my blog posts but you can't tell me it isn't interesting and almost fun. I think since we are studying complexity and the books we read are filled with complex characters it's easy to pinpoint the actions of these characters to what is happening behind the scenes. 

Moving on to Gertrude, I think she's the real antagonist of the play. I'm almost certain she played a part in the death of the King since she sheds a singular tear and proceeds to move on with his brother. She continues to invalidate her own son's grieving and rushes him into accepting what happened. She's trying so hard to forget about her late husband's death and doesn't even bother to find out what happened to him like any normal wife would. It's extremely suspicious and proves something else is happening behind closed doors. A gap in the plot in my opinion is how no one is figuring out how the king died and who killed him and they just love Claudius. I really am wondering what could be the reason Shakespeare wrote the play this way. Could it be on purpose or was it just a mistake? 

Back to Gertrude, I think she is worse than Claudius, her new man, since she is going along with his ploying and manipulating her son in the process. I'm not saying Hamlet is in his right mind or anything but he at least is normal for feeling this way after losing his father. Another thing that stands out to me is how Hamlet's mother is all over Claudius. What does she gain from this relationship? Does she actually like him or is there an ulterior motive? So far I really enjoy this play and I recognize some key plot details that inspired other shows and movies that I've watched such as Princess Diaries and the Lion King where someone tries to overthrow the monarch to take title as King.Mufasa and Scar: Wait, what? 'The Lion King's' Mufasa and Scar weren't  actually brothers


  1. Ok, YES! I'm so glad you brought up Gertrude! I feel like you could write an entire book on how weird her actions are!


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